Joined: 31/07/2016 21:35:18
Messages: 1
Rick had asked a few months ago to post some of what I had used my anarduino's to monitor. So here goes. I don't do forum and I'm definitely not a coder That will be obvious to those who are.
This relies on three parts:
python script to copy to emocms(runs on raspberry pi through a serial dump over usb to ftdi cable)
The below code allows my anarduino's to act as a network and update my emoncms page as specified. Basically I monitor my utility room Temp, Humidity, and Salt level in the softener. One anarduino acts as a broadcast node and the other acts as a gateway. I have a 3rd anarduino that monitors my barn environmental's and the door status.
disclaimer - The below code was built from various internet sources and by another friend of mine, as well as myself. I didn't have a spare anarduino to reupload and test the gateway code, but I'm 99% sure that is the final version i used.