Hi I am trying to build a Smart home door bell receiver using an esp8266 (nodemcu) and a hope RFM69W. I have built my own code for this not using, but based on Kobuki's OOK Library https://github.com/kobuki/RFM69OOK. I have successfully managed to decode my 433MHz Doorbell so I know what data I am supposed to receive. I also have a RXB6 Receiver and am able to pickup the data no problem using it. However when I try to use my RFM69W, only when I hold the Door bell transmitter within a few inches of the Antenna do I seem to pickup the signal/get data out of Pin2/data pin (after playing with the fixed threshold figure). Even then the Data is not correct and does not match what it should be. I have attached the code I am using, ignore the button state I am actually using a Logic analyser to look at the Data out pin.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks